June 8, 2013

The Bird World War... ................. .....50 Years of Surfin' Bird (1963-2013)

What's the Word?
The Bird is the word. But does it surf?

Prelude to war:

 was a 1962 novelty tune that took up the funny-sounding Anglicized nickname of the Kenya Land and Freedom Army, the "Mau Mau". These anti-colonial fighters helped win Kenyan independence at around the same time Surfin' Bird was released a year later, their name having found its way into a New York mafia gang and US exotica culture in the late 50s. It was turned into novelty tunes by Screamin' Jay Hawkins and others. A possible Mau Mau/Ooga Booga Tarzan connection? I don't have much evidence to back this up, and maybe it's another cockamamy Tapewrecks theory. Factcheck me. But did this war of national liberation spark a global 50-year war we never heard of?

1963 USA at the height of the Civil Rights Movement and corresponding violent backlash:  (1957) and maybe a little of the drink itself provided the inspiration for the Rivingtons follow up . The Trashmen start screwing around with both Rivingtons tracks at band practice, and Surfin' Bird is born. The song quickly hits #4 on the national charts, the Trashmen claim all credit, as was common practice in those days, and the original authors promptly sue, sparking a bilateral three-year milking war...



...followed by World War B:

The Beach Boys - Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (US 1965)
(US c1965)
(Sweden 1968 - PreABBA Benny!)
(Finland 1970)
 (UK 1975)

Back in the USA:

(US 197?)

Postwar skirmishes:

Pee Wee Herman - Surfin' Bird (1987)

And then there's this:

Peter Griffin - Surfin' Bird (2008)


  1. My favorite version might be Sweden's The Hep Stars (of which Benny Anderson from ABBA was a member)

  2. I hereby absolve Benny of any and all subsequent sins.

  3. Now, if you got through all that and you still want more, there's always the 10-hour version of Surfin' Bird here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eni4MG98A78

  4. I am prejudiced because of friendship w/Trashmen...Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...it all cracks me up....and 10 hours would drive me insane but not at 18 (50 years ago)
