February 21, 2015

...The OOgies............................... ...................(Lancaster 1991-92)

The Oogies are about the fourth generation in the gloriously convoluted inbred Gamber/Rex dynasty of Lancaster garage punk/metal bands: the Bodies to Last Knight to the Real Gone to Jack Lord's Hair I to II to III to the Oogies to Jack Lord's Hair IV and finally back to the Bodies....

Brainhammer (1991 cassette)

Feedback Is an Act of God (1992 CD)

was a cleverly split single with Deadlove on the short-lived Web Of Sound Records, run out of the Lancaster record store of the same name.

Mark Gamber - Vocals
Rex Litwin - Guitar
Erik Sahd - Drums
Drew - Bass
Tim McDermott - Bass

photo by Laura Cotton


  1. Great post! I was wondering if you have the whole tape? Cheers!

  2. Love the Web of Sound 45 \m/ That was a great record store!!!!

  3. Great article. Loved the Oogies and Web of Sound was a awesome record store. Stoked for the Oogies show at ABG !!!

  4. i remember shooting a video for "Love It To Death" on 3/4 inch video!

  5. Hey this band was the best band of cool guys back in the day. If you were a cool person you would have been a part of the scene there with all the cool kids in town .
