February 21, 2015

...The OOgies............................... ...................(Lancaster 1991-92)

The Oogies are about the fourth generation in the gloriously convoluted inbred Gamber/Rex dynasty of Lancaster garage punk/metal bands: the Bodies to Last Knight to the Real Gone to Jack Lord's Hair I to II to III to the Oogies to Jack Lord's Hair IV and finally back to the Bodies....

Brainhammer (1991 cassette)
The One Before
OOgie Theme
Excess Is Not Abuse

Feedback Is an Act of God (1992 CD)

Love It To Death was a cleverly split single with Deadlove on the short-lived Web Of Sound Records, run out of the Lancaster record store of the same name.

Mark Gamber - Vocals
Rex Litwin - Guitar
Erik Sahd - Drums
Drew - Bass
Tim McDermott - Bass

photo by Laura Cotton


  1. Great post! I was wondering if you have the whole tape? Cheers!

  2. Love the Web of Sound 45 \m/ That was a great record store!!!!

  3. Great article. Loved the Oogies and Web of Sound was a awesome record store. Stoked for the Oogies show at ABG !!!

  4. i remember shooting a video for "Love It To Death" on 3/4 inch video!

  5. Hey this band was the best band of cool guys back in the day. If you were a cool person you would have been a part of the scene there with all the cool kids in town .
